Monday, October 21, 2013

Fall Camping in Watkins Glen, NY

Fall camping is a nice way to close out the season. This year we shared time with friends and their vintage Trottwood camper on an adjacent campsite. I didn't get any good photos in the campground but two trailers look especially good together and definitely stand out against the modern trailers on the other sites. This year we spent some time at Reisinger's apple orchard which is not far from the campground, it was a spectacular day and we got a ton of great apples of all sorts of varieties. We also had heard a rumor that the garlic knots at Jerlando's downtown were amazing, now we can confirm it!  As usual we also spent a day hiking in the gorge and also stopped at a few wineries in the area. We always look forward to visiting this area and are glad we can often get back.

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